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Raffael Welcome

I Hate Everyone. Relax it's just a title for my webcomic. but it be like that sometimes

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The Brief

I Hate Everyone is a webcomic & animation. that captures peoples unspoken thoughts presenting them as humorous punch lines that are relatable & sometimes dark humour that satirizes a wide range of topics exploring the complexities of relationships, life ambitions, current affairs and the ups and downs of modern life. The nature of the humour isn't to be totally mean-spirited, but to mock the stupidity that people do in society. The vision is to create a vibrant community where you can be free to express yourself, your thoughts, engage in conversations and look at the world with a cynical lens and laugh. I Hate Everyone is about giving our believers an opportunity to be a part of our community and literally own a panel of our story.

Old Croner Professional website showing an inbox of issues